Christian Converts Setting Fire to Sacred Aboriginal Objects

Ana Makahununiu, a Tongan woman, smiling. She is wearing a t-shirt that says 'Jesus Jesus Jesus till the day I die.'

“Aboriginal followers of a Tongan-born preacher have set fire to artefacts considered sacred by many local elders, and dismantled and burned a spiritual law ground.”

Religion makes people do stupid and abhorrent things. The ignorance-fuelled righteous arrogance of these christians destroying culture artefacts of other belief systems is astounding. But hardly surprising. Christian (Muslim and other) missionaries have been committing such cultural terrorism for centuries.

This “prophetess” is hardly a beacon of law abiding morality either. She works “cash-in-hand jobs, despite admitting she’s not legally allowed to work in Australia due to her visa status.” And she happily ignores the verses in the bible the forbids a woman to teach.

When the stupid moves beyond the personal lives of believes to negatively affect others, this is when religion becomes toxic and needs to be hauled back into line.



Family Values Senator Arrested on Child Porn Possession

This hypocritical god-fearing (lol) POS “has stepped down following his arrest on charges of possession of child pornography.” —

In 2018, he opposed a bill that would have “offered victims of child sex abuse a temporary reprieve from statute of limitation laws. As it stood, those older than 30 couldn’t sue over sexual abuse from their childhood, nor could they recover any money from those decades-old cases. This bill would’ve changed that. But the Republican-led Senate [, including Sen. Mike Folmer, ] refused to take it up because it might have damaged the Catholic Church.” —

Perhaps everyone who opposes child protection laws should be investigated as a matter of course?

Anyone can throw bible verses around

Holy books like the bible are so useful. It is chock full of good and evil verses for all occasions. You can choose any verse to support your point and fling it at others.

Which means either god is a terrible communicator, or holy books are written by men.

Baptist Leader Albert Mohler – Jesus is Not Human

If you don’t have children, you are not human. This guy clearly knows the Jesus story.

Religion is so useful. You can project any of your own biases to it, and have that become a divine edict.

Conversion Therapy Ringleaders Arrested for Trafficking Boys

Gary and Meaghan Wiggins

The former head of a conversion therapy camp in Alabama who allegely used a belt to beat the “the [gay] demon” out of boys who were sent there has been indicted by a grand jury for human trafficking through a new religious home he and his wife set up in Texas.

Gary Wiggins and his wife, Meaghan Wiggins, who ran the Joshua Home, an alleged “home for troubled boys” in Burnet County, Texas, are accused of trafficking underage boys and forcing them into labor services, according to Austin TV station KXAN.

White Supremacy = Christianity

Christianity is white supremacy: Christian activist Sandy Rios claims that when the left criticizes white supremacy, they attack Christianity.

Pastor Recited Bible Verses While Allegedly Sexually Assaulting Underage Girl

An Ohio pastor who is thought to be a prophet by his followers has admitted to sexually assaulting an underage girl while praying and reciting Bible verses, telling the child that she needed to be “cleansed.”

Sickening depraved shit that seems disproportionately more prevalent under the blessing of religions.

No non-religious person would claim to be a prophet without eyebrows being raised. But in religion, this is a-ok.

[He is] accused of assaulting a 17-year-old girl who came to him to talk about her previous abuse.

Because god clearly led her to him for his personal gratification.

Shame on Us for Flaunting Atheism?

Christians have enjoyed majority status for so long, it’s hard for them to grasp that they are champion flaunters: it’s part of what they do! They want to be noticed, they insist on being noticed, and they spare no expense getting noticed. Atheists have a long way to go before we can match flaunt for flaunt.

Read the article for Ten Examples of Christianity In Our Faces.